Breast Cancer

21 December, 2022

Breast cancer is a very common kind of cancer that affects women. It is a disease wherein abnormal breast cells grow uncontrollably. Mostly, it affects only women; however, in rare cases, men can also be diagnosed with it. 

Each year, several thousands of women under 40 are diagnosed with this disease. Women have a high risk of getting breast cancer and the likelihood to develop only increases with age. 

Irrespective of a woman’s age, it is important that each one of them is aware of the symptoms of breast cancer, prevention strategies, breast cancer treatment and more about the disease. Being knowledgeable about the disease can help detect a potential problem early when the chances of being cured are the highest. 

Breast Cancer Facts Every Woman Should Know


Stay Aware of the Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

Staying aware of the warning signs of breast cancer will help you identify the symptoms on time and consult your doctor. The common signs that you should look out for include: 

  • A change in the firmness or size of the breast
  • A painless mass or lump near or in the breast
  • Breast pain
  • Warmth in the breast area
  • Nipple burning or itching
  • A discharge from the nipple or nipple turning inwards
  • Changes in the breast skin, such as a rash, a sore or dimpling
  • Swelling of the arm or under the armpit

Follow Breast Cancer Prevention Strategies

Here are a few strategies to follow so that you can prevent breast cancer:

  • Consume a healthy diet
  • Follow a regular exercise routine
  • Limit your intake of alcohol
  • Maintain your weight moderately
  • Breast-feed
  • Don’t miss out on regular annual breast cancer screenings 

Know the Risk Factors

A few women are at a higher risk of getting breast cancer than others. Knowing the risk factors can help you be cautious. Here are the most common risk factors:

    • Family history (i.e., breast cancer diagnosed in first-degree relatives like mother, daughter or sister)
    • Dense breasts
    • Early onset of menstruation
    • Obesity
    • Sedentary lifestyle
    • Heavy alcohol consumption
    • High dosage of chest radiation
    • Poor diet
    • Inheritance of specific BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic mutations 

Self-Examination for Lumps

Every woman should be familiar with her body and her breasts. Self-examination of the breasts can help in identifying any problematic lumps or changes. Here’s how you can self-check your breasts:

  1. Look at the mirror and check the breast shape and size for any changes.
  2. Raise your arms and repeat the first step.
  3. Check if there is any kind of milky, watery, bloody or yellowish discharge from the nipple.
  4. Lie down and feel the breast area using a smooth and firm motion starting from under arms and moving right till the ribcage.  
  5. Repeat step 4 in a sitting and standing position. 

If you find anything unusual during self-examination, get yourself evaluated by a doctor.

Earlier Breast Cancer Detection Increases the Chances of Cure

The earlier the disease is detected, the better is the outcome of breast cancer treatment. Women above the age of 20 should undergo regular breast examinations and those above 40 should start getting an annual mammogram done. This is the best way to detect cancer at an early stage when they are still inside the ducts without invading the surrounding breast tissues. 

Breast Cancer Treatment Options

Various kinds of treatments are available for patients suffering from breast cancer in any cancer hospital in India. Your doctor will determine the right treatment plan for a patient depending on her individual health condition, stage of disease, age and type of breast cancer. The common treatment options are:

The treatment plan could include any one of these methods or a combination of these depending on what best suits the patient’s condition. 

These are the most common things that women should know about breast cancer. Prevention is better than cure. Follow the prevention strategies and lead a healthy lifestyle to stay away from such diseases. If at all you or your loved one is diagnosed with breast cancer, don’t panic. Consult an oncologist and follow the advised treatment plan to recover. Staying positive is the key to recovering.


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