Throat Cancer

10 January, 2022

Tongue cancer surgery refers to the surgical procedure of the removal of cancer cells from the tongue. It is also called glossectomy. If the cancer is small, then the tongue is removed partially which is called partial glossectomy. 

Post Tongue Cancer Surgery

Patients who have undergone glossectomy as a tongue cancer treatment will need to stay in the hospital to take rest for a few days following the surgery. The duration of the stay at the hospital will be based on how much part and from where the cancer cells are removed from the tongue. 

Most of them can get discharged within a few days after the surgery. If required, the nursing staff may teach you to take care of your drains, tubes or dressing before you leave the hospital.

It may take a lot of weeks to feel better after the surgery. Even if the patient has left the hospital, there will be some special care required to be taken at home. 

The patient may expect the following things during the recovery period:

  • Problem while Eating or Drinking

Patients might face some trouble while drinking or eating. They might need to learn a new method to swallow food because they will have trouble swallowing normally. A therapist or a nurse will teach the process of swallowing food to the patient after the surgery. If the patient cannot swallow or drink, then a feeding tube will be inserted through the mouth so that the nutritional needs can be met.

  • Bloating or Swelling on Face

After the tongue surgery, the face may become swollen or bloated. It will be like that for a few days but settle down gradually. The doctor will advise you on how you can manage the bloating or swelling.

  • Diarrhoea

Patients may suffer from diarrhoea due to the infection, stress or tube feeding after the surgery. A dietician can recommend the right food for the patient to deal with this condition 

  • Constipation

Patients may experience constipation due to not eating properly, being inactive, or pain killer medicines. A nurse or doctor can guide you through the best ways to prevent constipation.

  • Bleeding

One of the side effects after tongue surgery can be bleeding from the mouth. The oozing or bleeding in the mouth can be caused by the incision done during the surgery.

  • Fatigue

Patients may experience some kind of weakness or tiredness for some time after the surgery. The recovery time after the surgery for each patient will depend on the type of surgery performed.

  • Pain

The patient may feel pain for a few weeks after the surgery. There are many pain-relieving options that will be suggested by a nurse or doctor such as pain killer medicines. You will not feel any pain after taking these medications and the recovery process will be smoother.


Extra Care After Surgery

  • Feeding Tube

If you are using a feeding tube, then the therapist or nurse will teach you how to use it. Patients may need to use a gastrostomy tube for some time until they can start swallowing enough food without the tube. The patient might need to use the tube for a longer period if the treatment keeps him or her from swallowing properly.

  • Tracheostomy

In case of a patient having a tracheostomy, a respiratory therapist may teach him or her some exercise to breathe easily. 

Follow-Up Care

The wound in the mouth needs to be regularly checked by the doctor. The doctor will schedule a follow-up visit for the patient after the surgery. The patient will also need to see the doctor for the removal of stitches. 

Also, based on needs, the patient may be required to schedule an appointment with a dental specialist, speech pathologist, dietitian, respiratory therapist, and physical therapist.

After the patient is healed from the surgery, he or she may require extra treatment to decrease the chances of cancer coming back. These extra cancer treatments can be either chemotherapy or radiation or a combination of both. Additional cancer treatment after the surgery is also known as adjuvant therapy.


When to Call a Doctor After Surgery?

There can be some complications or problems after surgery for a few patients. They should consult the doctor immediately if any of the following happens:

  • Drinking Problem
  • Eating Problem
  • Redness, Pain, Warmth, or Swelling in Leg or Arm
  • Coughing
  • Breath Shortness or Breathing Problem
  • Shaking Chills or Shivering
  • Fever
  • Increasing Pain Even with Pain Killer Medicines
  • Fluid leaking, swelling or redness on the incision area
  • Bleeding
  • Changes in Urine Smell or Appearance, Pain while Urinating, Urination Problem


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